Our Story is now published!!

The Story of Embrace Me! Adoption & Foster Care: A Ministry Journey


Embrace A Child. Foster A Life.

Empowering Families to Embrace Children


​Embrace a Child | Empower a Family | Encourage a Youth

Every day, children are placed in foster care in need of a temporary home until they reunite with their family. Some children don’t reunite and need an adoptive family.

Thousands of youth “age out” without a family.

Embrace Me! empowers families to embrace these children by offering Information, Support and Services.


Embrace A Child

INFORMATION: We host monthly information meetings on how to get

started on the journey of foster care or adoption and let them know we

will embrace them!

SUPPORT: We provide a monthly gathering of families and children to support

their needs, provide resources and engage in focus projects to

network families together.

SERVICES : We collaborate with partners to come alongside our families to

provide free or discounted services.


Become An Empowering Partner

Embrace Me! is funded by individual, business and organization partners. Empowering Partners are essential to our success in providing children and resource families with the services they need for a supportive experience.

We invite you to be a one-time, monthly or annual partner or sponsor today!


Become A Financial Contributor

There are many ways you can make a difference in the life of a Resource Family and a child. Throughout the year, Embrace Me! facilitates opportunities to lessen the financial burden of resource families and to provide Embrace Me! children with the resources they need to excel in life and to transition into their forever home.

Your financial contribution may be used for organizational fees, meals, childcare, tutoring services, and much more.


Foster Care Facts

500,000 children a year are placed in Foster Care due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. 130,000 of these children never return home and are waiting for a family to adopt them. 30,000 turn 18 without a family or a home. Embrace Me! empowers families to embrace these children by offering Information, Support and Services.


This Is Us…

Every Resource Family and every child has their own story. These videos are shared as an encouragement to those considering adoption and foster care. We create a community that provides the families with the support they need to embrace a child.


Meet Our Community…

As a community we celebrate the following National holidays together and invite you to share in this experience with us:

Easter, Christmas, Foster Care Month, Adoption Month

Check out our events page for upcoming events and ways you can partner with us to make it special.